Actions to Solve Failures in Critical Technological Equipment’s on Cuban Enterprise

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Francisco Martínez-Pérez
Beatriz Canales-Velazco


The objective of this research was to propose actions for the solution of failures in critical equipment of the Unit of Capsules and Suspensions of the Pharmaceutical Laboratory "8 de Marzo". Initially, the most critical assets were identified from the application of a technology for the hierarchy of systems and technological assets for biopharmaceutical companies. For this, techniques from the field of research were used such as bibliographic search, document review, technology for the priority order of systems and technological assets in biopharmaceutical companies; in addition to Pareto analysis and Cause-Effect Diagram; applying the latter to equipment failures. Brainstorming work sessions were organized with the workers of the laboratories, maintenance department and the group of experts, yielding as the main conclusion of 8 actions to solve the problems of failure of the most critical assets and consequently the reduction of stops for this concept and its corresponding improvement in the general availability of the plant.

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How to Cite
Martínez-Pérez, F., & Canales-Velazco, B. (2024). Actions to Solve Failures in Critical Technological Equipment’s on Cuban Enterprise. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 33(2), Retrieved from
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