Anaerobic digestion of cow manure in a plug-flow digester: A sustainable approach

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Carlos Antonio Méndez-Saavedra
Ania Cabrera-Díaz
Deny Oliva-Merencio
Ileana Pereda-Reyes


In this study, a pilot-scale plug flow reactor has been operated at a hydraulic retention time of 30 d with substrate concentration of total solids (7-10 %) under room temperature ranging from 25-38 °C with a working volume of 1.44*10-3 m3 during 186 days. The average chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal was 66.9 % operating at 1.7 kgVS/m3d. Moreover, the alkalinity to total inorganic carbon rated 0.31 being considered a proper value for the operational control of the reactor. In addition, 65.1 % of Total Volatile Solids removal was attained. The specific biogas and methane yields were up to 0.22 m3/kg VS, 0.25 m3/kg VS, respectively. Long-term operation in a pilot scale demonstrated the technological potential and industrial application of cattle manure treatment for biogas production as a circular economy contribution.

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How to Cite
Méndez-Saavedra, C. A., Cabrera-Díaz, A., Oliva-Merencio, D., & Pereda-Reyes, I. (2024). Anaerobic digestion of cow manure in a plug-flow digester: A sustainable approach. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 33(2), Retrieved from
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