Study of the parameters of the MWM International engine when using Jatropha curcas diesel-biodiesel mixtures

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Saray Díaz-Barrios
Osney G Pérez-Acosta
Lucía Rosario Sarduy-García
Yanoy Morejón-Mesa


The depletion of fossil fuels is eminent over time due to its non-renewable nature. The use of biodiesel is a viable option to stop its decline since it is obtained from biomass. Due to the importance of the percentage of biodiesel that can be added without affecting the operation of the MWM International model 6.10T engine coupled to a Worthington vertical deep well pump. This research was developed in the Department of Engineering and Environment, of the Institute of Animal Science. The pumping system used in the water supply for the institute and the community was evaluated. Biodiesel-diesel blends (B-0, B-5, B-10, B-15, B-20, B-25 and B-30) were handled with three rotation frequencies (1350, 1550, 1750 min-1). The hourly consumption (Gh) did not show statistically significant differences in the rotation frequencies 1350 and 1550 min-1, only at 1750 min-1 the highest consumption is obtained when using 30% biodiesel. The specific fuel consumption (ge) at 1750 min-1 showed statistically significant differences only in B-30 and at 1350 min-1 the highest consumption was observed in B-5 and B-30. When the engine is running for 1000 hours of work, the B-20 and B-25 blends obtain the most economically efficient values, with 9 780 and 9 070 pesos, respectively. By studying all the blends analyzed, it can be stated that B-20 and B-25 are the most recommended to use.

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How to Cite
Díaz-Barrios, S., Pérez-Acosta, O. G., Sarduy-García, L. R., & Morejón-Mesa, Y. (2024). Study of the parameters of the MWM International engine when using Jatropha curcas diesel-biodiesel mixtures. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 33(1), Retrieved from
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