Variability of Agroclimatic Factors and Irrigation Rate in Protected Cultivation of Pepper (Capsicum annuum)

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Elvis López-Bravo
Arley Placeres-Remior
Emily Carbonell-Saavedra
Arturo Martínez-Rodríguez
Omar González-Cueto


The objective of the present work was to find the relationship between uniformity of irrigation flow and agro-climatic factors with the yield, during pepper growing in greenhouse. The study was carried out in brown soil with carbonates, in a module of three greenhouses, Granma-1 Model, placed at “Valle del Yabú" Agricultural Company, in Villa Clara Province. In each greenhouse, six soil beds were formed with three irrigation branches with non-compensating Twin Drip drippers. For the study, 27 sampling points were taken, evenly distributed in the three greenhouses. The wind speed, temperature and relative humidity were measured with the Kestrel 5000 micro weather station. For the sampling of dripper flow, rain gauges were located at each experimental point and the irrigation coefficient of uniformity was determined. As a result, wind speed, relative humidity and temperature, inside the greenhouse, showed spatial variability values that satisfy the crop requirements. The coefficient of uniformity of irrigation rate was considered as acceptable with value of 71.2%, as a consequence of the obstruction of drippers, denoting a wide variability of irrigation rate without the presence of water flood or dry soil.

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How to Cite
López-Bravo, E., Placeres-Remior, A., Carbonell-Saavedra, E., Martínez-Rodríguez, A., & González-Cueto, O. (2023). Variability of Agroclimatic Factors and Irrigation Rate in Protected Cultivation of Pepper (Capsicum annuum). Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 32(4), Retrieved from
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