Experimental Theoretical Model for Improving the Management of Electrical Center Pivot Machines

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Rider Riveras-Hernández
Dafne Ortegas-Borroto
Oscar Brown-Manrique
Lorenzo Eddy Camejo-Barreiro
Julio César Quintana-Zaez
Maiquel Lopez-Silva


Polynomial regression is a useful tool for modeling problems related to the prediction of pressures along a pipeline with multiple outlets in pressurized irrigation systems. The fundamental characteristic of this model is its simplicity to forecast pressure data in an irrigation pipe and extend the number of observations. In the investigation, models were developed in which the pressure along the pipeline was related to different independent variables such as the flow at each outlet and the sum of the spacing between outlets from the beginning of the pipeline. The validation of the model was carried out from data used for estimation and forecasting, using the coefficient of determination (R2) which is a recommended indicator to measure the reliability of the model and the mean percentage error widely used to measure the performance of the model. As a case study, an electric central pivot irrigation system was used in the cultivation of sugarcane, where the most appropriate model was the second-order and decreasing polynomial type, which achieved an excellent approximation to the real behavior of the data, with an R2 of 0.9972 and an average percentage error of less than 12%.

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How to Cite
Riveras-Hernández, R., Ortegas-Borroto, D., Brown-Manrique, O., Camejo-Barreiro, L. E., Quintana-Zaez, J. C., & Lopez-Silva, M. (2023). Experimental Theoretical Model for Improving the Management of Electrical Center Pivot Machines. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 32(4), https://cu-id.com/2177/v32n4e03. Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/rcta/article/view/1783
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