Integrated Planning of Workload and Supplies for Planned Maintenance on Soil Preparation Tractors

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Yoel Betancourt Rodríguez
Rainiel Sánchez Sánchez
Anabel Quintero
Omar Antúnez Antúnez


The proper application of agricultural machinery requires, among other aspects, the necessary inputs to perform planned maintenance (PM) in a timely manner. The objective of the research was focused on developing a procedure for the integrated planning of the workload and the PM inputs for the soil preparation tractors. The research was carried out at “Panchito Gómez Toro” Sugar Agroindustrial Company, in an area of 1833.4 ha, in 48 blocks dedicated to sugar cane. LabraS software was used for tillage planning and functionalities were added to plan the maintenance and associated supplies (oils, greases and coolant and brake fluids). The conditions were characterized by prevailing problems of effective depth, poor drainage and stoniness (between 19 and 22%), as well as by the predominance of the medium soil texture (93%) and the conditions of the soil surface in areas of cane demolition (74%). Satisfactory results were achieved through LabraS software in the integrated data collection of the workload and the PM inputs for the available tractors, and according to their ownership (MTZ-80, T-150K, Belarus 1523 and Komatsu), in addition the information was specified by month and total in the year. This result made possible to carry out adequately the quarterly and annual balance of lubricants requested by AZUMAT Logistic Company, in addition to varying the demand based on the existing statistics, or the changes arising thank to the computerization of the process.

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How to Cite
Betancourt Rodríguez, Y., Sánchez Sánchez, R., Quintero, A., & Antúnez Antúnez, O. (2023). Integrated Planning of Workload and Supplies for Planned Maintenance on Soil Preparation Tractors. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 32(3), Retrieved from
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