Corrosion. Types. Prevention

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Francisco Martínez-Pérez


Corrosion is defined as the degradation of materials as a consequence of electrochemical attack. In general, it could be understood as the general tendency of materials to search for its most stable form or the one with the least internal energy. The velocity of corrosion will depend on temperature, on the characteristics of the fluid in contact with and on the properties of the material. Nonmetallic materials also suffer corrosion by different mechanisms. In the present work, corrosion processes in metals, ceramic materials and polymers are characterized. Different types of corrosion, based in modern form of its classification, are explained and, in each case, the main ways of occurrence are updated. The acting forms for prevention are also explained, including information on cathode prevention. Finally, the economic and social consequences due to corrosion are shown.

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How to Cite
Martínez-Pérez, F. (2023). Corrosion. Types. Prevention. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 32(2), Retrieved from
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