Plantation Times in the Productivity of Garlic in Beds and Bags

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Annarellis Alvarez-Pinedo
Darién Andrés Hernández-González
Dariellys Martínez-Balmori
Lucía Fernández-Chuairey
Iván Castro-Lizazo
Liane Portuondo-Farías
Humberto Izquierdo-Oviedo


Planting season is a decisive factor for agricultural production success. Yields of garlic culture, one of the vegetables of major demands for Cuban culinary, are very low. There are no reports of recent studies related to garlic productivity based on this factor in the literature of our country. That is why the objective of this work has been the evaluation of different planting times on the productivity of garlic (Allium sativum L.) clone ‘Criollo Víctor’. The cloves were planted under semi-controlled conditions and in beds during 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 seasons in the months of September, October, November and December. The following indicators were evaluated at different times of growth: sprouting % and plant survival, plant height and the number of leaves. Once harvested (120 days after planting), the indicators evaluated were: equatorial and polar diameter of the bulb, mass of the bulb and cloves, the number of cloves and the yield (t ha-1). The results ratify October, as the optimum planting time, with greater influence of the prevailing climatic conditions on the bulb mass and percentage survival indicators.

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Alvarez-Pinedo, A., Hernández-González, D. A., Martínez-Balmori, D., Fernández-Chuairey, L., Castro-Lizazo, I., Portuondo-Farías, L., & Izquierdo-Oviedo, H. (2023). Plantation Times in the Productivity of Garlic in Beds and Bags. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 32(2), Retrieved from
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