Characterization of ID-David Fertilizer for the Mechanized Application of Agromena-G

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Omar González-Cueto
Rafael Alejandro Salcerio-Salaberry
Edgar Yoel Soriano-Alonso
Gardenis Merlán-Mesa
Elvis López-Bravo
Miguel Herrera-Suárez


The unavailability of chemical fertilizers to obtain high yields in Cuban agriculture has led to the development of other organic mineral fertilizers, such as Agromena - G, produced by Empresa Geominera del Centro in Villa Clara. The objective of this work was to characterize the ID-David fertilizer for the mechanized application of the Agromena - G organic mineral fertilizer produced by Empresa Geominera del Centro. The methodology included the determination of the uniformity of the transverse distribution of the fertilizer and the general characterization of the work of the fertilizer spreader. The characterization of the ID-David fertilizer spreader, fertilizer locator trailer, during the application of the Agromena - G organic mineral fertilizer showed that this machine performs reliable and stable work. The uniformity of the fertilizer application had a coefficient of variation of 15.29%, which is considered adequate for the distribution of fertilizers with high delivery doses.

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How to Cite
González-Cueto, O., Salcerio-Salaberry, R. A., Soriano-Alonso, E. Y., Merlán-Mesa, G., López-Bravo, E., & Herrera-Suárez, M. (2023). Characterization of ID-David Fertilizer for the Mechanized Application of Agromena-G. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 32(1). Retrieved from
Technical Note


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