Evaluation of Technology for the Small-Scale Production of Pelleted Feed for Rabbits

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Yeana Rodríguez-Fontes
Arelys Vázquez-Peña
María del Carmen Sigler


In the present investigation, an agro-industrial technology was developed for the small-scale production of pelleted feed for rabbits destined for the Rabbit Program of the Scientific-Productive Pole (PCP) of Quivicán Municipality, Mayabeque Province, based on the foundation of the functional requirements of the technology, the operational parameters and the work premises. The results showed that it was possible to cover the demand for pelletized feed of the PCP. Technology uses national raw materials produced in the PCP itself, with a procedure for obtaining a food that meets the nutritional requirements of rabbits. An agro-industrial technology capable of producing 200 kg/h was established, provided with a reception, storage, weighing, dosing, mixing and transportation, as well as with pelletizing and drying system, which guarantees a continuous flow of raw materials with a productive capacity of 1.2 t in 8-hour days. An innocuous food with a stable chemical composition is obtained, without generating contaminants to the environment. Due to the production levels obtained with the technology, it is necessary to contribute with the sale of pelletized feed to the different productive forms in Quivicán territory, as part of the Local Self-Supply Program.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez-Fontes, Y., Vázquez-Peña, A., & Sigler, M. del C. (2023). Evaluation of Technology for the Small-Scale Production of Pelleted Feed for Rabbits. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 32(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/rcta/article/view/1696
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