Evaporation and Drag Losses in Different Techniques of Sprinkler Irrigation

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Camilo Bonet Pérez
Ayamir Agramonte Almanza
Bárbara Mola-Fines
Dania Rodríguez Correa
Pedro A. Guerrero-Posada
Yaniel Morales Avilés


With the objective of comparing the potential values of evaporative and wind drag losses in different techniques of sprinkler irrigation in Camagüey Municipality, a study was carried out for the predominant conditions in UBPC Victoria II, belonging to Empresa Agropecuaria Camagüey. The techniques studied were the central pivot machines, the winder irrigation machine, the sprinkler irrigation system and the micro sprinkler. Drop size, wind speed in the maximum height of irrigation water, drop time of flight and steam pressure deficit were valued. The results indicate that the potential evaporative and drag losses under the predominant conditions in Camagüey Municipality, reach values among 7,5 % in the irrigation with micro sprinkler, 7,7 % in the irrigation with central pivot machines, 8,6 % with sprinkler irrigation systems and 9,2% in the winder irrigation machine. Nevertheless, in this technique, under conditions of wind speeds bigger than 3,1 m/s, they could overcome the value of 15 %, considered as permissible maximum limit for the execution of satisfactory air irrigation.

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How to Cite
Bonet Pérez, C., Agramonte Almanza, A., Mola-Fines, B., Rodríguez Correa, D., Guerrero-Posada, P. A., & Morales Avilés, Y. (2023). Evaporation and Drag Losses in Different Techniques of Sprinkler Irrigation. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 32(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/rcta/article/view/1689
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