Evaluation of Biols in Star Grass (Cynodon nlemfluensis) for the Livestock Subsector. Fusagasugá-Colombia Case

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John Alexander Moreno Sandoval
Mario César Bernal-Ovalle
Luis Miguel Acosta-Urrego
Diego Alejandro Riveros-Estepa


In order to evaluate the nutritional contribution of two types of biols (from the biodigestion of excreta from pig and bovine animal production systems in their liquid fraction) in three concentrations 50, 75 and 100 % (V/V) to grasses of Bermudagrass (Cynodon nlemfluensis) in the city of Fusagasugá, Colombia. The zootechnical variables of interest considered in the analysis were crude protein (CP%), Net Energy of Lactation NEL, NDF, ADF (%) and green forage production GF (kg/m2). The results were analyzed by applying the RGB Algorithm of the TaurusWebs® Software to establish the level of significance, the free statistical software InfoStat was used through the Duncan Multiple Range Test. According to the results obtained, the contribution of bioles to the improvement in the parameters evaluated and their contribution to the circular economy of the Bovine Production Systems of the Municipality of Fusagasugá is evident.

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How to Cite
Moreno Sandoval, J. A., Bernal-Ovalle, M. C., Acosta-Urrego, L. M., & Riveros-Estepa, D. A. (2022). Evaluation of Biols in Star Grass (Cynodon nlemfluensis) for the Livestock Subsector. Fusagasugá-Colombia Case. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 31(4). Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/rcta/article/view/1655
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