Dimensioning and Energy Potential of Biodigesters Installed in Productive Systems in the Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia

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Yanoy Morejón Mesa
Vilma Moreno Melo
Andrés Mogollón Reina


This research is oriented towards determining the size and energy potential of a system of biodigesters installed in six livestock production systems, which are in the provinces of Sumapaz and Ubaté, in Cundinamarca Department, Colombia. Thus, the existing animal species in the scenario are determined, since they will contribute organic waste to the biodigester; the number of animals is also determined, considering the herd movement, which would make it possible to determine the biomass generated daily with the purpose of establishing the sizing of the appropriate biodigester technology and to know the behavior of the energy parameters. Among the main results obtained, it was evidenced that the biomass generated daily was not considered for the dimensioning and establishment of the polyethylene tubular biodigesters. In addition, the biodigesters installed in the production systems at La Meseta and El Tibar are oversized by 4,8 and 1,6 times, respectively; aspect that evidences the need to increase the daily biomass generated, which is achievable by increasing of animals in the herd. The biodigesters installed in the production systems at Santa Bárbara, El Mirador, La Saucita and La Esperanza, demonstrate an under-sizing, with inferiority values of 2,9; 1,97; 1,49; 2,04 times. These results indicate that, in these scenarios, the total number of animals used for biomass production is greater than that required with respect to the installed biodigester or that the installed biodigesters cannot take advantage of the biomass generated daily.

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How to Cite
Morejón Mesa, Y., Moreno Melo, V., & Mogollón Reina, A. (2022). Dimensioning and Energy Potential of Biodigesters Installed in Productive Systems in the Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 31(4). Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/rcta/article/view/1654
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