Monitoring of Sugarcane Cultivation Using Satellite Images

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Elvis López Bravo
Arley Placeres Remior
Omar González-Cueto
Miguel Herrera-Suárez


In the present work, the vegetation indices obtained from satellite images are used to monitoring sugarcane crop. The study was carried out in 5,5 ha of sugarcane field, planted with CP 52-43 variety located in Camajuaní Municipality, Cuba. Vegetative evolution of the plantation was monitored by field measurements of leaf width, stem diameter, stem height, soil moisture and vegetal cover, using the diagonal distribution method for samples collection. The services available in Earth Observed System (EOS) were used to obtain images of vegetative index of: NDVI, SAVI, EVI and NDWI. The initial stage of crop was characterized by low values of soil moisture and foliar development of sugarcane plants, EVI and NDVI indices showed results according to the low vegetative development with values between 0,2 and 0,4, while NDWI agreed with dry soil. In the rainy season, after the fourth month of the plantation, an increase in soil moisture to 42,9% took place, the plants´ biophysics parameters: stem height, stem diameter and leaf width also increased, EVI index reached between 0,6 and 0,8 in 74,4% crop area and in the same way NDVI index showed values between 0,7 to 0,8. However, NDWI index showed values between -1 and -0.6 belonging to dry soil, no matching with the actual moisture conditions. Through monitoring with Sentinel-2 satellite, a more stable representation of the increase in vegetation was achieved, as well as more adequate values of the initial and final state of the crop were obtained.

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How to Cite
López Bravo, E., Placeres Remior, A., González-Cueto, O., & Herrera-Suárez, M. (2022). Monitoring of Sugarcane Cultivation Using Satellite Images. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 31(3). Retrieved from
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