The Concept of Tribodesign. Its Application

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Francisco Martínez-Pérez


The behavior of the influence of forces on materials is a recognized basic study in design engineering. The interaction of surfaces in contact in relative motion should not be ignored as a special study, since, like the resistance of materials, this is a basic element in any engineering design. Tribology, the name given to the science and technology of interacting surfaces in motion, is one of the most important and basic concepts in engineering and especially in design engineering. This should, without doubt, be used in the designation of a new term "Tribodesign". Thus, the Tribodesign concerns all the machine elements that are designed where friction, lubrication and wear play a fundamental role. It is an obvious, but fundamental fact that today, the assistance or practical help of Tribology is based not only on maintenance, but also on its application in the design of machine elements and machinery.

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How to Cite
Martínez-Pérez, F. (2022). The Concept of Tribodesign. Its Application. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 31(2). Retrieved from
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