Radial chromatography for systemic monitoring of soils with different management

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Mayra Arteaga-Barrueta
Cesar Yesca-Jarquín
Adrián Álvarez-González
Lilian Otaño-Corona
José Antonio Pino-Roque
Alejandro Carlos Evangelista
Reinaldo Reyes-Rodríguez


The FAO incentives the sustainable administration of the management of the soils, for the danger that implies its degradation, promoting the conservation in its use in the current global context of climatic change. The conventional analytic techniques usually employees for the monitoring of the agricultural soils are expensive, what limits their systematicity. Before these antecedents the present work has as objective to evaluate the viability of the chromatography of radial paper as complementary analytic method for the systemic study of soils Red Ferralítics with different management. Soils moisturized Red Ferralítics was selected (FRh) lower different management and they were characterized using the chromatography of circular paper and the traditional quantitative analytic methods for its study. You establishing models of multiple regressions among the quantitative and qualitative variables: wide of the areas and of the radiations in the chromatogram. They were achieved you chrome distinctive in function of the management of the soils and 70% of the regression models obtained to 95% of dependability they showed correlation coefficients (R2) superiors to 90%, those that could predict physical-chemical and biological properties of the floors in future studies. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of the technical cromatográfica for the previous and quick evaluation of the quality of the soils with different management that it would allow to channel the quantitative analysis of the same ones when it is required, making viable the monitored of the same ones with potentialities to be applied in different productive scenarios of the country.

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How to Cite
Arteaga-Barrueta, M., Yesca-Jarquín, C., Álvarez-González, A., Otaño-Corona, L., Pino-Roque, J. A., Evangelista, A. C., & Reyes-Rodríguez, R. (2021). Radial chromatography for systemic monitoring of soils with different management. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 30(3). Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/rcta/article/view/1451
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