Computational Fluid Dynamics: Review and Analysis of Applications in Engineering

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Yusniel Cruz Gavilan
Pedro A. Valdés Hernández
Alexander Laffita Leyva
María Victoria Gómez Águila
Carmen María Chuairey


At present, with the development of professional tools such as SOLIDWORKS, ANSYS, the fields of application of simulation have significantly increase, especially, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in engineering. The objective of the work was to make a review and analysis of the applications of the Computational Fluid Dynamics, in the field of Engineering, but with greater emphasis in Agricultural Engineering. The analysis shows the high performance of Computational Fluid Dynamics in Engineering in general and in specific areas like thermo mechanical equipment, electrical equipment and installations, electronic equipment and assemblies in industrial and building ventilation, turbo machinery, automobile and agricultural machinery and greenhouse industry. Three fundamental application fields are identified: simulation of the equipment mentioned with the purpose of achieving operation parameters and more rational designs, improvement in the design and structure of equipment, provided the possibility of evaluating a wide diversity of design options and simulation of processes, with or without phase transitions, solid-fluid interactions, among others. The investigations carried out belong to the field of Agricultural Engineering, theoretical analysis and finite elements of load losses in a central pivot irrigation system, centrifugal pumps, effect of wind on the air flow of agricultural sprayers and climate in greenhouses.

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How to Cite
Cruz Gavilan, Y., Valdés Hernández, P. A., Laffita Leyva, A., Gómez Águila, M. V., & Chuairey, C. M. (2020). Computational Fluid Dynamics: Review and Analysis of Applications in Engineering. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 29(4). Retrieved from


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