Procedure on the selection of steels and their heat treatment technology

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Francisco Martínez-Pérez


The proper selection and correct application of heat treatment technology for the manufacture of machine elements require elements, requires procedures and knowledge that today, become much more complex. In all careers of mechanical content, it is essential in undergraduate and postgraduate not only their knowledge but their correct application. It is essential to know previously the required working conditions of temperature, environment, resistance of different kinds (tensile, flexion, torsion, fatigue) but sometimes it is necessary to differentiate the properties of the core from those of the surface, which requires of the knowledge of a new science, "surface engineering". In the present work in the form of algorithmic is introduced reasoning and applying novel aspects, some of theme, developed by the author. It is intended to facilitate the essential elements to achieve a successful application that guarantee the work requirements of the element and its correct teaching.

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How to Cite
Martínez-Pérez, F. (2020). Procedure on the selection of steels and their heat treatment technology. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 29(1). Retrieved from
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