Irrigation water productivity in selected crops from central region of Cuba

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Omar González-Cueto
Abel Montaña-Valladares
Elvis López-Bravo
Sandra Sánchez-Valle
Diana Estefanía Zambrano-Casanova
Luisa María Macias-Martínez
Miguel Herrera-Suárez


The work was carried out in the Valle del Yabú Agricultural Company located in the municipality of Santa Clara, Villa Clara province with the objective of determining the efficiency in the use of irrigation water, in the aforementioned company, through the calculation of the productivity of the water applied to some crops of economic importance. The productivity of the water applied by irrigation, the productivity of the total water, and the total water applied (T), in the corn, potato, dasheen, beans and sweet potato crops were calculated. In the sweet potato the productivity of water applied by irrigation, 20 kg / m3, was higher than that of the rest of the crops. In the potato the average was 7.74 kg / m3, in the bean it reached values ​​of 4.74 kg / m3, in the case of the dasheen it was 3.92 kg / m3 and the corn was 10.66 kg / m3 The results showed a low productivity and inefficiency in the use of water for potato, bean and corn crops, not the case of dasheen and sweet potato where water productivity values ​​were obtained that show an efficient use of water in these crops.

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González-Cueto, O., Montaña-Valladares, A., López-Bravo, E., Sánchez-Valle, S., Zambrano-Casanova, D. E., Macias-Martínez, L. M., & Herrera-Suárez, M. (2020). Irrigation water productivity in selected crops from central region of Cuba. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 29(1). Retrieved from
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