LabraS Automated System for Planning Soil Tillage in Sugarcane

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Yoel Betancourt Rodríguez
Darién Alonso Camacho
Andrés Bernardo González Morales
Alberto Jesús la Rosa Agramonte


Soil tillage requires an adequate planning to meet the requirements of plantation and cultural attention of sugarcane with opportunity, quality and environmental sustainability. The objective of this work is to present the characteristics of the automated system LabraS, designed for the planning of soil tillage in sugarcane. The technological processes of tillage considered were deforestation, leveling, soil preparation, planting, fertilization and post-harvest cultivation. The minimum management unit considered for the recommendations was the sugarcane block. The software was designed on a Windows platform, with easy installation and operation; it has a structure with five menus (Tools, Encoders, Reports, Recommendations and Processes) and three types of users (producer, INICA and administrator). The main reports include the distribution of soil limiting factors for tillage, technological charts by process, analysis of exploitation of machinery, planning of work, demand for inputs and requirements of herbicides for conditioning and preservation of areas in the preparation of soil and plantation, respectively. The validation of the software was carried out in the UEB Melanio Hernández, in a total area of 6430.76 ha, with satisfactory results in the tests of the algorithms, the procedures and expressions of calculations. The implementation of the automated system for the planning of soil tillage in AZCUBA was recommended.v

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How to Cite
Betancourt Rodríguez, Y., Alonso Camacho, D., González Morales, A. B., & la Rosa Agramonte, A. J. (2019). LabraS Automated System for Planning Soil Tillage in Sugarcane. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 28(4). Retrieved from


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