Fructification Pruning in Guava Crop (Psidium guajava L.) and its Influence on Yield

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Ania Vilma Carballosa De la Paz
Benjamín Gabriel Gaskins Espinosa
Eric Ismael Leonard Brizuela
Elvis López Bravo
Omar González-Cueto


Pruning is a very important practice to get good yields from guava tree. The present paper had as objective to examine researches accomplished on the pruning of guava tree and its influence in the yield of this fruit tree. A review was made from the available information on the topic in Cuba and abroad. Previous research evidence increments of guava production with the pruning. However, there is not a clear increasing tendency in the intensity of this practice, because the obtained results were different in terms of the cultivar investigated, plantation density, season and climate. Several authors proposed monthly pruning all the year, as well as, pruning at least three times a year. Regarding the pruning intensity, several authors agree that pruning the end of the branch can be beneficial in terms of fruit production and quality, since severe pruning reduces fruit production. However, other authors recommend the use of severe pruning for obtain higher yield.

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How to Cite
Carballosa De la Paz, A. V., Gaskins Espinosa, B. G., Leonard Brizuela, E. I., López Bravo, E., & González-Cueto, O. (2019). Fructification Pruning in Guava Crop (Psidium guajava L.) and its Influence on Yield. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 28(4). Retrieved from


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