Technological and Operation Evaluation of the YTO DF-15L Rototiller in Soil Preparation for Watermelon

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Byron Leonardo Quimis-Guerrido


The present research was carried out in the Joa commune of the Jipijapa canton, province of Manabí, Ecuador. The objective of the work is to determine technological and operation indexes of the YTO DF-15L rototiller with rotary plow in the preparation of soil for the cultivation of watermelon. The methodology to determine the technological and operation indexes was based on the chronometric observation, with the use of the Cuban standard 34-37: 2003, to determine the physic-mechanical properties of the soil the AASHTO standard T-88 was used. The main results show that the type of soil for watermelon sowing is appropriate, with a sandy loam texture, of flat relief, with gravimetric humidity of 18.52%, the resistance to penetration reaches an average of 1,0 MPa, what allows to affirm that the soil is in conditions of good growth for the plant; The obstruction in the field due to harvest remains is 1200 kg / ha. The productivity per hour of exploitative time was 0.05 ha / h; the coefficient of use of productive time is equal to 0.96; during the observation period, only one break in the rotary plow propellant chain was recorded, obtaining the technical safety coefficient the value of 0.97; the depth of soil preparation reached 15,9 cm, the quality of fluffy soil is satisfactory. It is concluded that the technological and operation indexes of the YTO DF-15L rotary tiller in the preparation of soil were satisfactory, being recommended to the producers to sow watermelon seeds not on flat terrain, but on ridges with a height of 10 ... 20 cm, which can be made with manual tools.

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How to Cite
Quimis-Guerrido, B. L. (2019). Technological and Operation Evaluation of the YTO DF-15L Rototiller in Soil Preparation for Watermelon. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 28(2). Retrieved from
Original Articles
Author Biography

Byron Leonardo Quimis-Guerrido, Universidad Técnica de Manabí

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