Characterization of Some Physique-Mechanical and Chemical Properties of the Cassava (Manihot esculenta

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Carlos M. Martínez-Hernández


The work approached the study of some of the physique - mechanical and chemical properties of a cassava clone (Manihot esculenta Crantz), specifically "Sweet Jagüey" belonging to a private producer in the " Valle del Yabú" in the municipality of Santa Clara, Villa Clara provinces. As objective of the work it thought about the possibility to evaluate some of their physique - mechanical and chemical properties in accordance with the established norms for a good one postharvest manage. They were carried out diverse experimental tests of the variety study object in the Bromatology lab, in the Center of Agricultural Investigations (CIAP) of our faculty. Inside the main obtained results they stand out: longitude half 27,5 cm; circumference 16,0 cm; thickness of the shell 3,0 cm; thickness of the pulp 50,0 cm (middle values). The total soluble solids (SST) oscillated between 4,5 and 7,5 oBrix; the pH oscillates between 6,06 and 7,2. The content of humidity of the pulp oscillates around 54%; while in the shell this value oscillates around to 67%. The impact rehearsals showed little resistance to impacts of the order of 2037.72 (J) at 3245.76 (J), with a susceptibility of 0.14 and 3,9 that which, together to its little shelf life (3 days) it should be kept in mind in its postharvest handling. The results were analyzed by means of the statistical package ¨STATISTICA 8.0¨, and contrasted with previous investigations in this same cultivation in other countries of the area.

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How to Cite
Martínez-Hernández, C. M. (2019). Characterization of Some Physique-Mechanical and Chemical Properties of the Cassava (Manihot esculenta. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 28(2). Retrieved from
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