Characterization of polyester resin nanocomposite with curauá fibers and graphene oxide

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Arthur Monteiro-de Lima


Natural fibers today play an important role las reinforcement in composite materials. The objective of this work was to obtain the adequate parameters for the manufacture of hybrid composites with curauá fibers and graphene oxide nanometric particles in the Polyester matrix, looking for the optimal variant of greater resistance to traction and flexión. The curauá fibers were treated with different NaOH solutions and different immersion times, different fiber contents and different graphene oxide contents were used. In the work was used Taguchi method to determine the quantity of experiments necessary and for evaluate the results. Micrographs were made using the Electronic Scanning Microscope and X-ray diffraction to determine the effectiveness of the treatments performed. Mechanical tests of traction and flexión were carried out and the results showed an increase of the resistance to average traction of 156% in relation to pure Polyester and a 186% of the resistance to flexión.

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How to Cite
Monteiro-de Lima, A. (2019). Characterization of polyester resin nanocomposite with curauá fibers and graphene oxide. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 28(2). Retrieved from
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Arthur Monteiro de Lima, Prof.. Inv., Departamento de Ingeniería de Materiales, Universidade Estatal de Amazonas, Manaos-AM / Brasil, e-mail:

Gilberto García del Pino, Prof.. Inv., Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica, Universidade Estatal de Amazonas, Manaos-AM / Brasil, e-mail:

Jose Luis Valin Rivera, Prof.. Inv., Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Escuela de Ingeniería Mecánica, Chile. Avenida Los Carrera 01567, Quilpué, Valparaíso, Chile,e-mail:

Kon Bin Chong, Prof.. Inv., Departamento de Ingeniería de Materiales y Metalurgia, Universidad de São Paulo São Paulo, Brasil, e-mail:

Abderrezak Bezazi, Prof.. Inv., Laboratoire de Mécanique Appliquée des Nouveaux Matériaux (LMANM), B.P. 431, Université 08 Mai 1945 Guelma, Algeria, e-mail:

José Costa de Macêdo Neto, Prof.. Inv., Departamento de Ingeniería de Materiales, Universidad Estatal de Amazonas, Manaos-AM / Brasil, e-mail:

Maria de las Graças da Silva Valenzuela, Prof.. Inv., Departamento de Ingeniería de Materiales y Metalurgia, Universidad de São Paulo São Paulo, Brasil, e-mail:

Jamile Dehaini, Prof.. Inv., Departamento de Meteorología, Universidad Estatal de Amazonas, Manaos-AM / Brasil, e-mail:

Francisco Valenzuela Díaz, Prof.. Inv., Departamento de Ingeniería de Materiales y Metalurgia, Universidad de São Paulo São Paulo, Brasil, e-mail: