Spatial-Temporal Characterization of Coverage with the Use of Geoinformation in Miranda Municipality

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Lexa Dayana Pineda-Santos
Jorge Eduardo Suárez-Hernández


The municipality of Miranda, in Trujillo State, is crossed by Pan-American Highway, which is the most important road in the lower area of the state. Its agricultural areas are watered by El Cenizo irrigation system and by other natural channels. The main agricultural activity is sugarcane crop. A characterization of the contamination was made from information taken in the field (years 2014 and 2018) and the use of three satellite images (Landsat 7 and Landsat 8) corresponding to the year 2000, 2014 and 2107. It began with the differentiation of seven classes ratified by the dendogram of the classes and validated by statistical tests; a supervised classification was subsequently applied from the spectral values (for each date). As a result, a thematic map in a measurable raster format of spatial-temporal changes was generated, where expansion of the area destined to agricultural activities of 44.45 km2 was identified for 2017, which corresponds to a decrease in forest of 27.26 km2 and occupation of new areas that were previously shown as unoccupied soils. With this information, generated together with georeferenced photographic evidences, it was complemented with vector layers of cartography, and edaphoclimatic information so that together it functions as a dynamic Geographic Information System (GIS) of consultation for agricultural planning.

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How to Cite
Pineda-Santos, L. D., & Suárez-Hernández, J. E. (2019). Spatial-Temporal Characterization of Coverage with the Use of Geoinformation in Miranda Municipality. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 28(1). Retrieved from
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