Irrigation Regime for Crops in Manabí, Ecuador: Edaphic Study

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Ramón Pérez-Leira
Eric Cabrera-Estupiñán
Germán Cedeño-Caicedo
Henry Emilio Delgado-Anchundia
Adrián Ricardo Mendoza-Briones
Luis Eduardo Chávez-García


The present work is a complement of the climatological study developed for the Province of Manabí in Ecuador. The objective of the study is to determine the hydrophysical properties of the soil (field capacity, real density, bulk density, infiltration rate and porosity) in order to provide the necessary information to define the irrigation regime of the main soils in Manabí. The study was carried out in three agricultural areas of the Province (Chone, San Ramón and Mapasingue). The results show a behavior of the field capacity between 34 and 37% pss in fine and medium texture soils. The real density was in the order of 1.85 to 2.48 g/cm3 while the bulk density was in the range of 1.05 to 1.12 g/cm3. The porosity of the soil reached an average value of 47.6% with higher values in Chone. The infiltration rate stabilized offered a behavior that can be classified into two groups of soils: soils with low infiltration velocity (less than 5 mm / min) corresponding to a limited area of Chone as well as in the territories of San Ramón and Mapasingue and soils with medium infiltration speed (10 mm/min) identified in Chone.

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How to Cite
Pérez-Leira, R., Cabrera-Estupiñán, E., Cedeño-Caicedo, G., Delgado-Anchundia, H. E., Mendoza-Briones, A. R., & Chávez-García, L. E. (2018). Irrigation Regime for Crops in Manabí, Ecuador: Edaphic Study. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 27(4). Retrieved from
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