• Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias

    The Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias with ISSN: 2071-0054 (online) and 1010-2760 (paper), is a quarterly publication published since 1986 by the Agrarian University of Havana (UNAH) and her Center for Agricultural Mechanization (CEMA). It is the organ of scientific and technological publication of the Latin American and Caribbean Association of Agricultural Engineering (ALIA), and the Mexican Association of Agricultural Engineering (AMIA). Original and unpublished works in Spanish, Portuguese and English, in the form of original articles, technical notes, reviews, points of view, letters to the editor and summaries of doctoral theses are published in it. In its editions, works that cover the following topics of Agricultural Engineering appear: Tractors and Agricultural Machines, Operation and Mechanized Processes, Oil-hydraulic, Repair and Mechanical Technology, Computing and Applied Mathematics, Soil and Water, Use of Energy in Agriculture, Post-harvest: Biology and Technology, Electrification and Rural Construction, Livestock Mechanization, Conservation Agriculture, Precision Farming, Teaching and Training, Test Machines and Animal Traction. It is aimed at professionals and technicians of the branch of Agricultural Engineering and areas related. It is available in more than 60 scientific institutions and universities in Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Spain, USA, France, Philippines, Great Britain, Honduras, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, Uruguay and Venezuela with which exchange is kept. It is an open access journal under CC-BY-NC 4.0 license, and does not establish cost or seizure period for sending, processing and publishing works.

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  • Ingeniería Agrícola

    The journal Ingeniería Agrícola, edited by the Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (IAgric), is a serial publication that began its edition in paper (ISSN 2306-1545) and digital (ISSN 2306-1545) formats. 2227-8761) since 2011. It is aimed at professionals and technicians in the field of Agricultural Engineering and related areas. It is an open access journal under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 license, where the author retains all rights to the non-commercial work. It publishes texts in Spanish, Portuguese and English, quarterly in the form of original articles, technical notes, review, points of view, software, letters to the editor and thesis summaries, which are submitted to a blind peer review process. The journal complies with the certification requirements established for scientific-technological serial publications, provided for in the third section, article 20 of Resolution No. 59/2003 of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of the Republic of Cuba.

  • Revista de Gestión del Conocimiento y el Desarrollo Local

    La Revista de Gestión del Conocimiento y el Desarrollo Local es una publicación de ciencias sociales administrada por el Centro de Estudios para la Gestión del Desarrollo (CEGED) de la Universidad Agraria de La Habana (UNAH). Tiene una frecuencia cuatrimestral y publica investigaciones originales e inéditas arbitradas por expertos. Difunde la labor de académicos cuyos trabajos posean un enfoque que privilegie las contribuciones a la gestión del conocimiento y el desarrollo local, entendido en sus dimensiones económica, política, tecnológica, medioambiental, social, cultural y educativa. Recibe manuscritos que aborden temáticas relacionadas con el desarrollo humano, la soberanía alimentaria, el medio ambiente, la ciencia, la innovación tecnológica y la universalización del conocimiento en los siguientes formatos: artículo de investigación, artículo de revisión, comunicación corta, puntos de vista y resumen de tesis.

  • Revista Ciencia Universitaria

    The Journal Ciencia Universitaria, founded in 1996, is published by the Agrarian University of Havana "Fructuoso Rodríguez Pérez". It is composed of an annual volume under the continuous publication system (January-December) to increase the immediacy of its publications. Since its foundation, it has become a publication of competence in the area of ​​Agricultural Sciences (Agronomy, Veterinary Medicine and Mechanization), Social Sciences and Humanities, Economic Sciences, Pedagogical Sciences, Exact Sciences, Information Science and Physical Culture. It publishes original and unpublished research in Spanish and English, such as original articles, short reviews, monographs, testimonies and essays. All documents submitted are subject to a double-blind peer review process, and uses Open Journal Systems to manage its online content. This journal provides free, open and immediate access to its content, to promote greater global exchange of knowledge. It does not establish embargo periods, nor does it charge any fees associated with the peer review process, processing or publication of documents. Authors who have published in this journal accept the terms of the CC Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0), under which all their content will be distributed.