Los impuestos del presupuesto del Estado: captación de financiamiento, para satisfacer las necesidades sociales

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Sheila Ortega Mongeotti
Ismary Isabel O’farrill Rodríguez


This monograph has the general objective: To theoretically substantiate all aspects related to the income of the State Budget, in it Public income is defined as the financing input that the State receives through taxes, as the largest source of income to satisfy social needs. It is also addressed that tax income is the income that the State obtains from natural and legal persons through taxes, rates and contributions; these are classified as tax and non-tax. In Cuba, tax income is made up of 17 taxes, 3 contributions and 3 rates, it also delves into the structure of municipal subordination income, in transferred and participatory income, finally the issue of tax evasion is discussed.

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Como Citar
Ortega Mongeotti, S., & O’farrill Rodríguez, I. I. (2024). Los impuestos del presupuesto del Estado: captación de financiamiento, para satisfacer las necesidades sociales. Revista Ciencia Universitaria, 22, https://cu-id.com/cu/v22e011. Obtido de https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/cu/article/view/2008
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