The Artificial Intelligence in bovine reproduction

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Neylis Chávez Millares
Royman González Rivas
Yusney Marrero García
Lilibeth Mercedes González Ruiz


Today, livestock farming faces the challenge of increasing production to meet the growing demand for animal products. In this context, bovine reproduction represents a multifactorial process that requires informed and strategic decision making to increase reproductivity and economic benefits. The objective of the present research is to analyze the potential of Artificial Intelligence to improve decision making in bovine reproduction. The application of several techniques of this discipline, such as Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Support Vector Machines and Decision Trees, is analyzed. These technologies can be applied to different areas such as: genetic selection, heat and disease detection, artificial insemination and animal health monitoring. The use of these techniques is conditioned by three fundamental factors: the characteristics of the organization, the proposed objective and the particularities of the data set, which must be taken into account when deciding which technique to use. Therefore, the application of intelligent technologies allows the sustainability of the livestock sector by reducing costs, increasing milk and meat production in order to improve efficiency and profitability, guaranteeing animal welfare during the processes.

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How to Cite
Chávez Millares, N., González Rivas , R., Marrero García, Y., & González Ruiz , L. M. (2024). The Artificial Intelligence in bovine reproduction. Anuario Ciencia En La UNAH, 22. Retrieved from


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