Methodology for the Management of Micro Irrigation Systems in Ciego de Ávila Province

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Dayma Carmenates-Hernández
Maiquel López-Silva
Albi Mujica-Cervantes
Oscar Brown-Manrrique
Pedro Paneque-Rondón


A methodology was developed with the objective of improving the management of micro irrigation systems in the province. The experiments were carried out in areas of University of Ciego de Ávila and “Ceballos” Agroindustrial Company. The work was developed during three years, where the technical - mechanical and hydraulic characteristics of emitters were evaluated, the obturation phenomenon was simulated, the operation of the system by two different criteria was evaluated and the methodology was developed and validated. It was obtained as result, that the hydraulic and mechanical characteristics of the drippers and irrigation taps are formed, basically, by the flow-pressure curve, the manufacture variation coefficient and the ratio flow-temperature, which are fundamental parameters to perform an adequate management of micro-irrigation systems. The mathematical model of Bralts was very accurate, since the average relative error was lower than 0.23%, which demonstrates its accuracy and its ability to predict seals in micro-irrigation systems. The best results were obtained with the Bralts management criteria, from which a management diagram could be obtained to improve the operation of the irrigation system. With the validation of the proposed methodology in an irrigation subunit of “El Tezón” UBPC, a better management of the system and an increase in the average yield of guava at 3.79 t / h were achieved.

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Carmenates-Hernández, D., López-Silva, M., Mujica-Cervantes, A., Brown-Manrrique, O., & Paneque-Rondón, P. (2018). Methodology for the Management of Micro Irrigation Systems in Ciego de Ávila Province. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 27(3). Obtido de
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