Evaluation of hydrological factors of the Chambas Basin for hydroenergy and agricultural use

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Noidys Quirós-Martín
Oscar Brown-Manrique
Carlos Miguel Sánchez-Monteserín
Maiquel López-Silva


The evaluation of hydrological factors in hydrographic basins is essential for the sustainable management of water resources and the detailed planning of productive activities in a given area. The present study was developed in the Chambas River Hydrographic Basin with the objective of evaluating different hydrological factors of the basin and their contribution to the generation of hydropower and the supply of water to the agricultural sector. The methodology used consisted of constructing the flow probability curve, estimating the ecological and equipment flow; as well as evaluate the hydroenergy potential and agricultural use of the water stored in the reservoir. The results demonstrated that the daily river flows adequately adjusted the probability of occurrence using a second-order polynomial model. The turbine flow rate of the Francis turbine is 2,08 m3 s-1 and has an absolute frequency of occurrence of 170 times. The ecological flow of the river determined by the wetted perimeter method was 0.038 m3 s-1. The turbine power with the turbined flow rate of 11.30 m3 s-1 offers higher values ​​in relation to the flow rate of 2.08 m3 s-1; However, this last result responds to the hydrological study carried out in the basin. 39% of the water stored in the reservoir is used for food production.

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Como Citar
Quirós-Martín, N., Brown-Manrique, O., Sánchez-Monteserín, C. M., & López-Silva, M. (2024). Evaluation of hydrological factors of the Chambas Basin for hydroenergy and agricultural use. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 33(4), https://cu-id.com/2177/v33n4e02. Obtido de https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/rcta/article/view/1967
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