According to INEC (2020)INEC.: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Ecuador Proyección cantonal total 2010-2020, [en línea], Inst. Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Ecuador (INEC), Quito, Ecuador, 2020, Disponible, [Consulta: 5 de enero de 2021]. during the year 2019, Ecuador had 5 738 ha planted of avocado as principal culture and 1 338 ha as associated culture, of theses only 31 ha corresponded to El Oro region with a production of 66 t. Despite this area is yet not enough, is important highlight that, in the year 2018, according the same source, they did not report avocado plantations in the zone, what evidence does not exist policy for the production and development of the crop as economic alternative to small farmers.
Internationally the most marketing varieties are the Guatemalan or Mexican origin, mainly Hass, Fuerte and Naval (Díaz & Arango, 2010DÍAZ, S.D.A.; ARANGO, C.B.: Manual técnico del cultivo del aguacate, Ed. Aproare SAT-Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario ICA, Bogotá, Colombia, 2010.). The main variety what had produced to high scale in the latest five years is Hass avocado, reporting in 2017 almost 700 hectares (Briones et al., 2018BRIONES, V.; INTRIAGO, J.; MARIA, V.; VASQUEZ, C.: “Análisis de las exportaciones del aguacate de la zona 5 y 8 del Ecuador hacia los mercados sustentables¨, Pol. Con, (Edición núm. 24) 3(1), 273-299pp, ISSN: 2550 - 682X, DOI: 10.23857/pcv3i1 Esp.672, 2018.). This variety comes from a mixture between Mexican and Guatemalan avocado. It is increment is about nutritive fruit characteristic and unique flavor, also its resistance for the marketing (INIA, 2015INIAP.: Evaluación de exportación de aguacate, [en línea], Inst. Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Ecuador (INEC), Quito, Ecuador, 2015, Disponible en: www., [Consulta: 5 de febrero de 2021].).
According Pozo (2018)POZO, A.: Estudio de factibilidad para la producción, comercialización y demanda del aguacate en el mercado, Inst. Ministerio de Agricultura-MAG, Informe institucional, Ibarra-Imbabura, Ecuador, 32 p., 2018. the production costs per hectare of avocado oscillated between 12 000 & 14 000 USD, considering factors as a plant, maintenance, fertilizer and payment to workers. For each hectares is require in average three workers, two fixed and one eventual for fumigation, pruning and cleaning labors.
For starting to produce need the three to five years and reached high capacity at seven, but have a useful life between 30and 40 years. One of the highest items of investment is the irrigation, one kilogram of avocado need one thousand liters of water (Cañizares, 2016CAÑIZARES, H.: Técnicas para el cultivo, manejo y mantenimiento de sembríos de aguacate, Ed. Green Planet, México D.F., 2016.).
A technical study tries to verify the technical possibility of sowing a product to be cultivated (Jhon, 1997JHON, M.: A Random Walk Down Wall Street, EEUU, Ed. Norton & Company, USA, 1997, ISBN: 978-0-393-31529-5.).This kind of study will allow reaching the high profibility in the farm, through correct choice of variety and culture to plant (Carvajal et al., 2015CARVAJAL, U.J.; PANIAGUA, A.A.; MORALES, A.F.: “Estudio técnico y financiero para la producción de una hectárea de acerola (Malpighia emarginata) en Puriscal, Costa Rica”, E-Agronegocios, 1(2), 2015, ISSN: 2215-3462.). Also technical study, plantation profibility is essential to base any project or agriculture investment (Perilla et al., 2011PERILLA, A.; RODRÍGUEZ, L.F.; BERMÚDEZ, L.T.: “Estudio técnico-económico del sistema de producción de tomate bajo invernadero en Guateque, Sutatenza y Tenza (Boyacá)”, Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Hortícolas, 5(2): 220-232, 2011, ISSN: 2011-2173. e-ISSN: 2422-3719.).
Adequate economic analyses allow identify limiting, opportunities, alternatives and risks. The costs accounting proportion date for monitoring enterprises activities, provide the necessary accompaniment to reached goals and act as an aid in making decision corrective, because to contribute to maintenance or increase the utilities. The basic elements of this costs are raw material, labor and direct production costs, as equipment rent, irrigation water quota, machinery depreciation and equipment among others (Chacón et al., 2006CHACÓN, G.; BUSTOS, C.; ROJAS, E.S.: “Los procesos de producción y la contabilidad de costos”, Actualidad Contable Faces, 9(12): 16-26, 2006, ISSN: 1316-8633. e-ISSN: 2244-8772.; Burbano, 2008BURBANO, J.E.: Presupuestos. Enfoque de gestión, planeación y control de recursos, [en línea], Ed. McGraw Hill, Bogotá, Colombia, 2008, Disponible en:, [Consulta: 5 de diciembre de 2020].; Molina, 2009MOLINA, O.: “La papa: Diversos elementos que intervienen en la cuantificación de su costo de producción”, Actualidad Contable Faces, 12(18): 73-80, 2009, ISSN: 1316-8633. e-ISSN: 2244-8772.).
The present investigation is carried out with the objective of realize a technical- economic study for the avocado small production, in the farm El Tambo, El Oro Province
The researcher was realized in El Tambo farm, Ayapamba parrish, Atahualpa canton, El Oro province. This population is the 1 387 habitants, (INEC, 2020INEC.: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Ecuador Proyección cantonal total 2010-2020, [en línea], Inst. Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Ecuador (INEC), Quito, Ecuador, 2020, Disponible, [Consulta: 5 de enero de 2021].). The study area has 2 ha that will be used for the avocado plantation
The probabilistic method employed for the determination of sample number was by cluster Zapata et al.(2011)ZAPATA, O.H. de J.; CUBIDES, M.A.M.; LÓPEZ, M.C.; PINZÓN, G.E.M.; FILIGRANA, V.P.A.; CASSIANI, M.C.A.: “Muestreo por conglomerados en encuestas poblacionales”, Revista de Salud Pública, 13(1): 141-151, 2011, ISSN: 0124-0064.; Otzen & Manterola (2017)OTZEN, T.; MANTEROLA, C.: “Técnicas de Muestreo sobre una Población a Estudio”, International journal of morphology, 35(1): 227-232, 2017, ISSN: 0717-9367. e-ISSN 0717-9502., valid to realize studies about population survey and prevalence
Was considered part of universe of small producers, potential customers who are dedicated direct and indirectly to production and consumption of avocado in the study zone
The information for technical and economic study was obtained of theorist referents that exist. Interview technique was utilized, directed to entrepreneur and crop producer and the interview to agricultural producers of study area (who be or not dedicated to avocado crop)
For economic evaluation the expenses that will affect in avocado production were determined, those will be counting in adequate calculus spreadsheet to Collect the information, taking to account cost production, relation benefits cost, the profibility and the production costs of one kilogram of avocado.
Relation BenefitS Cost (B/C) and Profibility Calculus
CalculuS of Production CosT per kilogram of avocado
Interview to avocado producers in the study zone were conducted, through which it was possible to know that cultural task are carried out in an artisanal way, using the empiric knowledge acquired by different experiences and day-to-day events, learning of hits and failures they had to benefit of the crop.
The interview results to agricultural producers showed that a 60 % don’t produce avocado (12), but have in their future projections the entrepreneurship in this crop in their own places but in small scale in areas until 2 ha, this it reflect uncertainty of growing the fruit en larger areas. However the 37, 5 % of them are dedicate to other kinds of beans and fruits production
The 100 % of interviewees mentioned above, if they decide to grow the avocado fruit they would do in their own places dedicating small areas to a production (less of 2 ha)
Of those who declare themselves producers (8), 86 % have between 5 to 20 plants of avocado in their farms, belonging to an association the 50 % and realizing the activity in less of 2 ha in own places the 100 %. The main production activities are fruits (37, 5 %), horticulture and grains (18, 75 %) and mixed (25 %). The principal destinations are local shops (56,2 %), markets (30,8 %), intermediaries (15,4 %) and supermarkets (7,7 %).
To analysis how valuate, all interviewees (avocado producers or not), the offer, demand and profits (Figure 1) in a range to very high to null it is noted that 55 % of interviewees qualify the offer as medium while the demand oscillating between high and medium, 45 %in each case and the profits 70 % considered as medium.
The commercialization of avocado produced in the area extends to a municipalities and provinces, 70 % of producers raises as main problems to carry out this activity the lack of knowledge, 15 % the pets and 5 % state of the local roads and prices. Potential customers are not identified which limits the marketing of the products.
The interview to owner of el Tambo farm showed that he is an independent producer, his age oscillating between 31 to 45 years old, with a familiar nucleus integrated between 5 to 10 persons. He is interested in avocado cultivation, considering it economically attractive and it is a product of medium demand and offer medium products. He doesn’t have experience in avocado production and marketing, which can influence him to achieve a broader and more entrepreneurial vision. .
Has the minimum resource necessary for crop production. Intends to market the product with its own motorized transport, to a market extending to the province, didn’t have identifying your possible customers.
Aspires to market fresh avocado, knowing as the product price 1, 50 USD/Kg
The information recover in interviews realizes to producers of the zone and bibliographic consults León (1999)LEÓN, F.J.: Manual del cultivo del aguacate para los valles interandinos del ecuador, Ed. INIAP: Instituto Nacional Autónomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, vol. Proyecto Fruticultura INIAP COSUDE, Quito, Ecuador, 1999.; Bernal & Díaz (2008)BERNAL, J.A.; DÍAZ, C.A.: Tecnología para el Cultivo del Aguacate. Manual Técnico Corpoica, Rionegro, Ecuador, 2008, ISBN: 978-958-8311-74-6.; Herrera & Cruz (2017)HERRERA, M.; CRUZ, A.: Estudio de la producción y comercialización del aguacate (Persea americana) en las variedades Fuerte y Hass, en la provincia de Imbabura, Universidad Técnica del Norte. Carrera de Ingeniería en Agronegocios, avalúos y catastros, Trabajo de Grado. Ingeniero en Agronegocios, avalúos y catastros, Ibarra, Ecuador, 106 p., 2017.; Sotomayor et al. (2019)SOTOMAYOR, A.; VIERA, W.; VITERI, P.; POSSO, M.; RACINES, M.; GONZÁLEZ, A.; CHO, K.; VILLAVICENCIO, A.: Manual Técnico para la producción de plantas injertas de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.), Ed. INIAP, vol. Manual No 108, Quito, Ecuador, 62 p., 2019. outstand as important aspects for a fruit production the showing in Figure 2.
For this crop in specific we suggest the planting of Hass Variety for the before reasons exposed, standing out nutritive value, unique flavor and commercialization resentence. On the other hand Cevallos (2013)CEVALLOS, M.: Manejo Agronómico del Cultivo de Aguacate con sistema de alta densidad, Ed. Unidad Técnica del Norte-INIAP, Ibarra, Ecuador, 2013. realized a study in Fuerte and Hass varieties in Ecuador, demonstrating that Hass variety produce more quantity of fruits in comparison with Fuerte variety.
The land preparation most be realizes with two or three months before for destroy pest and weeds. The recommended labors are: plowing, harrowed, subsoiled and leveled. The plowing and subsoiled are applied with purpose that soils remains loose at 70- 80 cm deep, to obtain a good drainage and aeration, besides this labor allow expands roots in a major space in finding to water and feeds.
For transplantation would be selected plants grafted proceeding of certified commercial nurseries. The planting distance recommended is 5 x 5, 30 meters, so INIAP (2014)INIAP. Aguacate INIAP tecnología, [en línea], Inst. Instituto Nacional Autónomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP), Quito, Ecuador, 2014, Disponible en: www., [Consulta: 15 de febrero de 2021]. confirm that a higher density of sowing in avocado cultivation obtain a higher production per unit surface, best fruit quality and more handle facilities.
During first year will be realize formation pruning and in a second the fructification and sanitation, in the latter only diseased, broken or dead branches will be removed. Starting fourth year is recommended making intercross branch pruning to allow that light comes perfectly to all tree top. In high density plantations can be top pruning to maintenance the tree size, facilitating pests control and harvest. Control weed should done an integral way, be priority to prevents methods that generate minimum environmental impacts (Almanza, 2010ALMANZA, L.: “Bioplaguicida para el control del barrenador del hueso de aguacate”, Revista Claridades Agropecuarias, 216: 24-31, 2010.; Quinatoa, 2015QUINATOA, F.L.M.: Proyecto de pre-factibilidad para la implementación de un centro de acopio de aguacate hass en la parroquia Guayabamba y su comercialización en la ciudad de Quito, . Universidad Central del Ecuador-UCE, Tesis de Ingeniera en Administración de empresas, Quito, Ecuador, 2015.).
The fertilizers applied should be based on soil and foliar analysis, always finding obtained the possible higher profits economics, and agronomics without to damage environmental. In avocado case are very important macro nutrient applied as nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) and the secondary calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg). In soils with medium- high to higher contains of phosphorus (P) without pH problems or another factors that decreasing the availability of this element, only is recommended applied phosphorus (P) by maintenance (appy only the amount that extracting of the plot) and amount that plant needed every two or three years (Alfonso, 2008ALFONSO, B.J.A.: Manual técnico del cultivo de aguacate Hass (Persea americana L), La lima, Cortés, Honduras, 49 p., 2008.).
Nitrogen fertilizers are broadcast 50 cm from the trunk until the trip drip and its subsequent incorporation into the soil superficially. In the case of phosphorous and potassium fertilizers these must be applied in hole of 20 -40 cm deep distributed in tree drip perimeter (15 to 20 holes according to size tree). When planting 250 g of NP-K and disinfection of the hole 8 days before panting. First year 18-5-15-6-2 (complete formula fertilizer) strengthened, accompanied with organic matter. Next years repeat the dosages and make application of Zinc, Boron and Magnesium (Alfonso, 2008ALFONSO, B.J.A.: Manual técnico del cultivo de aguacate Hass (Persea americana L), La lima, Cortés, Honduras, 49 p., 2008.; López, 2009LÓPEZ, C. D.:Manejo de nutrición y fertilización del aguacate Persea americana en el cantón Pimampiro provincia de Imbabura Loja Ecuador (Tesis en opción al título de ingeniero en administración y producción agropecuaria, Loja, Ecuador) Recuperado de, 2009.; Díaz & Arango, 2010DÍAZ, S.D.A.; ARANGO, C.B.: Manual técnico del cultivo del aguacate, Ed. Aproare SAT-Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario ICA, Bogotá, Colombia, 2010.; Tapia et al., 2014).
Water requirements in avocado depends on crop age, clime and kind of soil, the water needs through year can be estimated between 10 000 - 12 000 m3/ha (Salazar & Cortés, 1986Salazar, G. S.; Cortés, F. J. I.: ¨Root distribution of mature avocado growing in soils of different texture, Calif. Avocado Soc. Yrbk. 70:165-174, 1986.¨). During first year the cultivation must be count with sufficient water for irrigation in dry season by the way that trees received adequate amount of water to reach a good development in the future of plantation. (INFOAGRO, 2021INFOAGRO.: El cultivo del aguacate (1ra parte). Curso online fruticultura tropical, 2021. Disponible en:, [Consulta:15 de febrero de 2021 .). In the production phase the irrigation increase the yield between 30 to 50 % improving the fruits organoleptic qualities and trees development. Hass avocado is highly productive and with drip irrigation, must be reach around 16 tons per hectare (Alfonso, 2008ALFONSO, B.J.A.: Manual técnico del cultivo de aguacate Hass (Persea americana L), La lima, Cortés, Honduras, 49 p., 2008.).
The duration of the harvest depends on the height of the trees. For recollection is necessary have ladders, scissors or prunes. Production and harvest peaks are defined from February to March and August to September (INIAP, 2014INIAP. Aguacate INIAP tecnología, [en línea], Inst. Instituto Nacional Autónomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP), Quito, Ecuador, 2014, Disponible en: www., [Consulta: 15 de febrero de 2021].). The fruit will be collected with a part of peduncle to prevent the development of fungi, not receiving any hit or bruises or leaves in direct sunlight
In Ecuador the fruit is classified into large, medium and small, collection in boxes is recommended so that they are transported to the market
En el Ecuador la fruta se clasifica en grande, mediana y pequeña y se recomienda la recolección en cajas para sean transportadas a los mercados.
Total cost was calculated in cost projection table (Table 1) per 1 ha of avocado, these values are given for the first six years for the plantation´s life.
Each farmer can make modify depends of zone where locating yours plantation and materials with it count.
The first year, the investment required to implement a 1 ha of avocado Hass is the 6 168,03 USD, increasing this value from the third year, because is the period where harvest begins and as the production increases, higher costs will be generated. Results matching with INIAP (2014)INIAP. Aguacate INIAP tecnología, [en línea], Inst. Instituto Nacional Autónomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP), Quito, Ecuador, 2014, Disponible en: www., [Consulta: 15 de febrero de 2021]. considering that harvest are the more expenses labors in avocado crop. Refer to investment required to implement one hectare of avocado (Hass or Fuerte), similar results obtained Pilapaña (2013)PILAPAÑA, J.G.S.: Rentabilidad de aguacate, durazno, mora y tomate de árbol en Carchi, Imbabura y Tungurahua, [en línea], Universidad Central del Ecuador-UCE, Tesis de Ingeniería Agronómica, Quito, Ecuador, 237 p., 2013, Disponible, [Consulta:10 de diciembre de 2020]. with a amount of 9 657.88 USD.
To estimated a kilogram number to produce it is established that in one hectare there would be approximately 350 plants, with an estimating yield of 10 t/ha in the third year of fruit planting, in the fourth year increase the production until 13 t/ha, in the fifth year 15 t/ha and in sixth year the production will reach 20 t/ha. With these production levels and a price of 1, 5 USD per kilogram, income will be generated from the third year with values of 15 000, 19 500; 22 500 y 30 000 USD, during the first four harvest years of the plantation. Net incomes at the six year increase respect to the first year of production (third year of planting) in 70 % what equals to 11 696 USD.
Levels incomes and production costs presented, show that the plantation begins to generate profits during the third year of planting, since during the first two years gross profits are generated in sales with negative results, reaching the recovery of the investment in the first six years cultivation established (Table 2).
The cost/benefit ratio obtained for the fourth, fifth and six year of planting reaches values of 0, 28; 0, 56; 0,67 and 1,22, respectively. Which shows the feasibility of crop, in the sixth year obtaining a profit of 0, 22 USD for every dollar invested, which over the years will continue to increase significantly because avocado is a perennial crop
Production cost per kilogram of avocado decrease over the years (Table 3), because the crop gradually increases its production. Coinciding with Pilapaña (2013)PILAPAÑA, J.G.S.: Rentabilidad de aguacate, durazno, mora y tomate de árbol en Carchi, Imbabura y Tungurahua, [en línea], Universidad Central del Ecuador-UCE, Tesis de Ingeniería Agronómica, Quito, Ecuador, 237 p., 2013, Disponible, [Consulta:10 de diciembre de 2020]. who affirm that avocado production increases yearly until reach its higher production in the nine years.
The Hass avocado represents an economic profitable opportunity for small producers in Atahualpa canton, by its nutritional value, unique flavor, resistance to commercialization and because it produces more fruits compared with others varieties.
The benefits /cost indicator obtained for the third, fourth, fifth and sixth years after planting the crop reaches values of 0,28; 0,56; 0,67 y 1,22 respectively.
The production costs per kilogram of avocado at El Tambo farm in Atahualpa canton, El Oro province oscillating between 1,67 and 0,67 USD from third to sixth year of planting