Definition of a module of equipment for a miniindustry in Güira de Melena

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Luisa Villarino-Fernández
Arcadio Ríos-Hernández
Roberto Martínez-Varona
Bernardo Campos-Cuni
Orlando Cano-Estrella


The strengthening of the miniindustries and their creation in all the cooperatives or towns with conditions for it is a politics of our government aimed to the territorial development, as a way for the local supply and to obtain surpluses to be marketed in other destinations. This contributes to use more rationally the agricultural products and to maintain reserves for periods when there are shortage of them. For such a reason a project has been developed in the municipality Güira de Melena and was selected the cooperative Frank País having in account the losses that occurred in these cooperative and in other three of the locality. The objective of the research was to define the equipment needed for the utilization, in an industrial processing, the fruits and vegetables of possible loses, and so giving to it a new value and the possibility to be offered to the population and to other sectors. Were selected 8 machines and 6 measuring instruments at a total cost of 118 699 pesos, contributed by the Project BASAL, and the cooperative assumed the additional expenses in infrastructure in an amount of 465 881 pesos. Was also trained the personnel of the miniindustry in aspects such as Good Practices of Manufacture, the use of the equipment and the measuring instruments.

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How to Cite
Villarino-Fernández, L., Ríos-Hernández, A., Martínez-Varona, R., Campos-Cuni, B., & Cano-Estrella, O. (2017). Definition of a module of equipment for a miniindustry in Güira de Melena. Ingeniería Agrícola, 7(3), 51–56. Retrieved from
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