Information technologies in the management of the services of mechanization

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Damián Lora-Cabrera
Manuel Fernández-Sánchez
Amaury Rodríguez-González
José Antonio Martínez-Cañizares
Andy Azoy-Capote


As part of the actions directed to increase the efficiency in the management of the information technologies in this paper are presented the results of the use of these tools in the areas of intervention of the BASAL project. For that was carried out a diagnosis of the characterization of the manpower as well as of the technical status of the agricultural machinery. To demonstrate the employment of computing technologies were made the balances of the requirements of agricultural machinery in each one of the productive entities. The results showed that exists a low level of the personnel’s schooling in the mechanization activities and that the biggest quantity in workers has between 36 and 55 years old, and this has resulted in the slowness in the use of the computing processing of the information. Nevertheless these difficulties, the gradual introduction of the use of the these techniques allowed to speed up the time of processing of the information and to increase the reliability of the results, being a key factor in the determination of the necessities of agricultural machinery and of the planning of the resources, achieving a bigger efficiency in the management of the agricultural machinery and a better taking of decisions on the part of the managers.

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How to Cite
Lora-Cabrera, D., Fernández-Sánchez, M., Rodríguez-González, A., Martínez-Cañizares, J. A., & Azoy-Capote, A. (2017). Information technologies in the management of the services of mechanization. Ingeniería Agrícola, 7(3), 36–44. Retrieved from
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