Optimum Sowing Date and Productivity of Soybeans under Climate Change Scenarios

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Felicita González-Robaina
Enrique Cisneros-Zayas
Guillermo Hervis-Granda
Luis Hirán Riverol-Marrero
Julián Herrera-Puebla
Greco Cid-Lazo


Climate change is an unquestionable fact, demonstrated by strong observational evidence such as the rise in average air temperature and alterations in the rainfall regime. AquaCrop is a simulation model designed to analyze crop productivity in response to available water and it assesses, among others, the impact of climate change on crop yield. The present work aims to predict optimal sowing dates and soybean yields in compacted Red Ferralitic soil in the face of climate change scenarios through simulation. The irrigation schedules were generated with Cropwat. In the three selected periods of scenario B2 it was necessary to apply between 8 and 9 irrigations, exceeding by more than 50 mm the total norm to be applied to achieve yields greater than 3 t•ha-1. If deficit irrigation is applied, the reductions with respect to the potential are estimated of up to 40%. No irrigation in the flowering stage causes a decrease in yields up to 2,4 t•ha-1. For an average year, a maximum yield of 2,9 t•ha-1 is presented if it is sown between November 5 and 8, while for a wet year, yields of up to 2,65 t•ha-1 are estimated if sown between November 15 and 19. The AquaCrop simulation model proved to be a viable alternative to reproduce the phenology and productivity of the crop under different management scenarios and climatic variability.

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How to Cite
González-Robaina, F., Cisneros-Zayas, E., Hervis-Granda, G., Riverol-Marrero, L. H., Herrera-Puebla, J., & Cid-Lazo, G. (2021). Optimum Sowing Date and Productivity of Soybeans under Climate Change Scenarios. Ingeniería Agrícola, 12(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/1512
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