Modelation of the net Norms Irrigations of the Potato, According to the Climatic Variability

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Carmen E. Duarte-Díaz
Eliecer Utria Blanco
Julián Herrera Puebla
Elisa Zamora-Herrera


The results are presented on the estimates of the irrigations requirements of the potato with the objective of estimating the net norms irrigations to future, for the cultivation of the potato in the central part of Cuba according to modelation of the climatic variability in the period of November to February among the years 2018 and 2050. For the estimate of the irrigations requirements of the potato the focus of the unique coefficient of the cultivation was used (Kc) by means of the program computational CROPWAT of the FAO using the climatic variables of the part, obtained of the database of the regional program PRECIS of the IPCC that adjusted for Cuba by the Institute of Meteorology of Cuba (INSMET) and they took like reference the monthly data of the Echam for the scenarios A2 and B2. As for the estimate of the net norms it was observed that have a value above those that are used at the moment in the part (4100 m3 ha-1), with value average of 5060 m3 ha-1, the scenario A2 and 5053 m3 ha-1, the scenario B2. It could be defined the stocking of 5056,5 m3 ha-1, the little variability among the same ones, existing an increment of 9565 m3 ha-1 between the current norm and the future norm, for what one will have to make a adaptative manage to take advantage of to the maximum the little readiness of water that it will exist according to this disponibility of water to achieve potato's production in the area.

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Duarte-Díaz, C. E., Utria Blanco, E., Herrera Puebla, J., & Zamora-Herrera, E. (2020). Modelation of the net Norms Irrigations of the Potato, According to the Climatic Variability. Ingeniería Agrícola, 10(1). Retrieved from
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